(Partial) Correlation Network


Build a graph, where each node corresponds to a variable (gene, metabolite or bins) and a pair of nodes is connected with an undirected edge if their pair-wise expression similarity is above a particular threshold (Pearson, Spearman or Kendall correlation). See Correlation and dependence, Partial correlation, Dependency network

Field Description
Launch Field indicating whether you want to execute this analysis in the workflow (checked) or not (unchecked).

to finish …

Output Examples

- General Information 
	Partial Correlation =  1 
	Correlation Method =  pearson 
	shrinkage intensity lambda =  0 
	Correction P-value Method =  fdr 
	Maximum P-value =  0.05 
	Corr. min =  0.4841662 


- Full Graph 
	Nb Cliques =  4 
	Nb Nodes =  27 
	Nb Edges =  24 
	Graph Density =  0.06837607 
default/corrnet.txt · Last modified: 2014/12/02 07:56 by admin